Consuming Oranges Can Prevent the Growth of Cataracts

Life Style, Health, News, Vitamin C, Benefit Of Oranges, Massapedia

MASSAPEDIA NEWS - Parents always says, to have a healthy eyes, you have to eat a lot of carrots. The content of vitamin A in carrots make the vision so clear and healthy eyes.

But what if you was not like the taste of the carrots were rotten? Are your eyes can not be healthy and free cataract? A research states that turns orange could also help clear the eyesight and healthy eyes.

Quoted from the Telegraph, experts also pointed out that elderly people who ate fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C turned out to be a third less likely to develop cataracts.

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Foods rich in nutrients and vitamin C include oranges, red and green peppers, strawberries, broccoli and potatoes.

The study was published in the journal Ophthalmology that observe the development of cataracts in the eyes of 324 pairs of female twins aged 60 years and over 10 years.

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"Changes in diet as simple as increased intake of fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet will help protect the eyes from cataracts," said lead researcher Professor Chris Hammond of King's College London.

Respondents who eat foods high in vitamin C was associated with a reduced risk of developing cataracts after 10 years as much as 33 percent.

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Cataracts cause cloudy vision becomes cloudy like. Typically, treatment efforts is by surgery. In the UK, every year there are 300 thousand cataract surgery procedures performed.

Eyepiece turbid and cloudy like this due to reduced fluid in the eye. This eye fluid contains lots of vitamin C. The content of this eye fluid will help stop the eye lens from oxidation and protect it from the 'cloud.'

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It is estimated that increased intake of vitamin C would have a protective effect on the development of cataracts, because it can boost the amount of vitamin C in the eye fluid.

"The human body can not produce vitamin C themselves, so the body relies on external sources of vitamin C through food eaten," said Kate Yonova Doing, author of the study.

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"We did not find significant results in people taking vitamin tablets. So it seems that a healthy diet is much better than taking supplements."

The researchers revealed that this observational study do not prove cause and effect. It's just that this research proves people who eat a lot of vitamin C and healthy diet will affect the state of his eyesight.

Other studies also show that the consumption of zinc is more potent than vitamin C to cope with colds.
Consuming Oranges Can Prevent the Growth of Cataracts Consuming Oranges Can Prevent the Growth of Cataracts Reviewed by Unknown on March 25, 2016 Rating: 5

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