Join Us


If you would like to cooperate with our website or blog, or want to exchange links with your website or blog. You can send to a contact form that is provided on our website, with the following format:

- Name a website or blog
- Website or blog address
- Description of your website or blog

We'll add the address of your website or blog into our website after you've linked our website address beforehand. After you adding our website address, you can confirm us by sending the URL our website address where you added. I'll confirm you as soon as possible, if your url's website or blog have done.

Here's the code of our website url below, please copy and paste into your website or blog :

Website's url with logo 

Website's url without logo

Never remove the address of our website on your website or blog. If you get caught by us, we will remove your website or blog from our website too.


If you want to join and work together as the writer of the article, we were welcomed with pleasure. What are the requirements to become an author of the article in our blog, here are some of the conditions:

- You can choose one of the topics in this blog, or more than one topic
- An article that you create must be original and not plagiarized article results from websites,             blogs or other sources.
- An article that you create must have a minimum of 300 words
- You must have a minimum of three social media (Facebook, Twitter and Google+)
- And the last, you must share the article that you create to all your social media

please free contact us, if there something that you do not understand yet or you want to know more information about us

Thank you so much for your attention and cooperation
Join Us Join Us Reviewed by Unknown on April 10, 2016 Rating: 5

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