Five Things You Need to Know About Facial
MASSAPEDIA NEWS - Facial is often referred to as ritual achieve beauty that is often misunderstood. Some people refer to it as something insignificant and ineffective.
Frequently, there are people who meneganggap this ritual as part of the health care of the skin. Not to mention that these treatments are considered costly.
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More often only experts who consider facial kecantikanlah as how to get skin more luminous.
To get all the facts about it, Regina Berthelot, director at Peracis Caudalie skin beauty center in the United States, reveals some important things about facial as quoted by the Huffington Post.
1. Facial no instant way to gorgeous.
Facial actually handling that is more prevent skin problems and not treat. Coming to the spa as well come to the dentist.
"I always make the analogy facials as we go to the dentist to get more teeth clean and white, because it is not enough to clean the teeth by brushing alone at home," said Berthelot.
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So as you come to the dentist to check their teeth and clean the plaque that forms, you should begin to mark your calendar with a schedule of when to dermatologist and beauty to keep your skin healthy and free of toxins.
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There are other benefits of facials according to Berthelot. "The more you do the routine beauty treatments, the better you feel. It's no secret that the mood is very big influence on the hue of a person's face. "
2. You should not deal with blackheads yourself
Blackhead, blackheads and pores that are covered in oil and dirt should not you lift yourself. Due to such treatment in your nail cuticle must be careful to do so.
According to Berthelot, you must use special techniques to remove blackhead. "It should be driven from the bottom. If not done properly, the results will actually make your skin become irritated. "
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Berthelot also emphasized the need to meet experts blackhead facial to prevent further growth. If the blackhead is not completely removed, the remaining dirt will accumulate and make pores become greater.
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Berthelot called the extracting is the most important of all the facial, this will be the first step towards cleaning was perfect. Appointment blackhead is also a part that must be done in a way that most carefully.
3. Facial is a thinking game.
When asked about the value of more use professionals to do facials, Berthelot said that it is actually just a mind game with the ultimate goal of profit.
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"The bottom line is getting better pemijatannya, the better blood circulation in the face and more radiant face," said Berthelot. Massage will be very effective if done by someone else than to do yourself.
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"When other people are doing the massage, your brain will feel surprised and you will enjoy the experience more," said Berthelot. Difference when you are doing the massage yourself, your brain actually know what is going to happen, then the surprise factor is gone.
4. Good results will be obtained if done according to schedule
As the body that can be trained in the sport, as well as the skin. You can train your skin elasticity.
Berthelot suggested conducted every four weeks. This can be quite ideal way to improve your skin condition.
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"If you do facials regularly, this will train your skin. Skin cells need order, and they will give a good response to this action. "
Before creating a schedule facial crazy, you must first know your skin type. Berthelot advised to do so every four weeks. However you can do it for less than count it depends on your skin type.
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"Someone with oily skin can do it once every three weeks, and if you have dry skin, you can do five weeks," said Berthelot.
If you do not have time to do a full facial, Berthelot suggested to do it yourself at home. "Once you do you can menguapi flaking skin in the shower or use a hot water bowl and directing the steam to the face."
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This opens the pores so the material which you then apply to face, will be more easily absorbed entry.
5. The cost is not necessarily useless.
When choosing an expert facials, it's important to follow your heart.
"When you have chosen the right facial expert, you'll know. You should not feel that you're imposing facial therapist use of the product. Except simply providing advice on your own interests. "
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Signs handling good skin is the result of good skin too. "If your skin reacts well, the facial treatments were given a good meaning as well," said Berthelot. Moreover, he added preferably, consumers consulted about measures facial at a beauty expert.
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"You have every right to know the what will be done on your face and the right to know the beauty experts who work with your face."
Five Things You Need to Know About Facial
Reviewed by Unknown
March 17, 2016

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