8 Unique Tips to Relieve Complaints Pain in the Body

8 Unique Tips to Relieve Complaints Pain in the Body

MASSAPEDIA NEWS - Our body is a biological machine with exceptional functionality. During the 24 hours he continued to work to make sure all goes well metabolic functions. But sometimes there are times when the body undergoes small disturbances in everyday life. Sneezing, itchy throat, toothache and other simple complaint sometimes makes us bothered to run the activities. Although only a small complaint, we are often confused how to handle it.

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If you have experienced hard sneeze or desperate to eliminate an itchy throat or tightness also confused how to resolve urinate while still a long toilet queues, then you can try the following trick. Although the way he looks a little strange, but some studies have shown a unique way to eliminate complaints in this body is really effective.

1. Relieves shortness of urination by scratching the back of the calf

You can control the urge to urinate simply by scratching the back of your feet firmly. The unusual suggestion delivered by physiotherapists as a way to counter the short-term tightness BAK when the bladder is full but can not reach the toilet.

If you scratch or rub the back of your calf vigorously moment, you can interrupt messages sent bladder to the brain long enough until you can get the toilet.

Approximately one in three women in Australia admitted in this way is truly effective. Not explained whether this strange trick applies to men. For men, please try it yourself.

2. Throat itch? Scratch your ears

Looks weird is not it? This method is not a runaway because we could not scratch the throat with a nail and then transferred to the ear, but due to the current ear scratching itchy throat, ear nerves will be stimulated creates a reflex in the throat that makes the throat muscles twitch. According to Scott Schaffer, MD, lead specialist ENT in Gibbsboro, New Jersey, the tightened muscles will relieve itching throat.

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3. Relieves the brain cramps with tongue

When drinking beverages that are too cold, sometimes abruptly coconut we will feel dizzy. This condition is called brain cramps. This happens because the upper wall of our mouth suddenly became very cold, which causes the brain to think over our bodies too cold.

Brains were wrong compensate by raising the temperature of the brain suddenly causing you headaches. The fix is ​​simple, simply rub the palate with the tongue until it feels warm, then the headache will soon disappear and you can again enjoy an ice cream again.

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4. Relieves the stress by blowing up your thumb

Piling deadline, fussy children asked all kinds while the computer suddenly hangs before the job is saved. Panicked, you banging kompie hope the road again but instead next to the coffee spilled on the keyboard. This is called the stress level of a god.

When bad scenarios similar has happened to you, immediately waving a thumbs front of your mouth, take a deep breath for 7 seconds, hold for three seconds, then exhale into your thumb over 7 seconds. Repeat several times then you will feel calmer.

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With the technique regularly breathe and blow it in the thumb will stimulate the vagus nerve, with the effect of lowering heart rate and blood pressure. Cool the thumb with the breath also produce the same effect because it would lower the pulse on the thumb. The combination of both will speed up the process of relaxation of the body and brain.

5. Relieves toothache by rubbing ice cubes on hand

You can stop a toothache by rubbing ice on the back of your hand, in the area between the thumb and forefinger (zone V in which the bones of two fingers met). Rub your hands at your sides where toothache is.

Researchers at McGill University (Canada) has shown that by rubbing ice cubes, pain intensity was divided in two by numbness in the hands (this effect is probably caused by interference of pain impulses to the brain).

6. Reduce pain syringe with cough

Although it has been tried to be soothed by a nurse, sometimes frightened patient syringes rather than diminish even more rampant. Pain for some people bisasa course, for others it can be a nightmare. But perhaps there is one easy way to reduce pain during an injection that will soothe the patient.

In the medical literature, this method is referred to as trick cough. Patients were asked to cough before injections are done and coughed once again when it is injected. It is unclear how these tricks work. Maybe just as a distraction or it could be as reported in a study, a brief coughing will raise blood pressure and reduce the perception of pain caused by injection.

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So for those who are afraid of injections but could not dodge, batuklah before and during an injection. But before coughing tell the nurse you will cough to avoid unwanted things.

7. Eliminate nasal itching

Nose sometimes feels Gatak without cause. Do not be confused, just press your thumb on the forehead between the two eyebrows and rubbed the palate with the tongue. This trick will dry out your sinuses and nasal itching will soon disappear.

8. Hard sneezing

For those of you who want to sneeze but never can, try to find the bright light and gaze at the light. Then you'll sneeze loudly. Scientific explanation? not available. But this trick effectively.
8 Unique Tips to Relieve Complaints Pain in the Body 8 Unique Tips to Relieve Complaints Pain in the Body Reviewed by Unknown on March 21, 2016 Rating: 5

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