Tips to Eliminate Belly Fat in 12 Days With Ice Cube

MASSAPEDIA NEWS - For the most people, fat is something undesirable. Fat will make your thighs become flabby, clothes too narrow and the shape of the body becomes disproportionate. But sometimes, we should have been trying desperately to reduce fat from our bodies, these efforts are often in vain.

Too much fat will increase the risk of certain diseases such as heart disease or diabetes type 3, so now many researchers are looking for ways to remove fat effectively.

The Humans have two types of fat cells; white and brown. It is important to know the difference between the two so that we can more easily eliminate them. White fat tissue is a thin layer that is located in the abdomen, behind the arm and thigh. This network acts as a thermal insulator which serves to maintain a constant body temperature stable.

The Research shows that exposure to cold temperatures is able to eliminate fat cells

Body contact long enough with the cold temperatures will encourage a change of type of white fat into brown fat tissue that will help you lose weight. Therefore, in countries where seasonal cold, researchers recommend to lower the thermostat a few degrees for a few hours a day during the winter.

During the fat tissue biopsies, researchers have found that abdominal fat and thigh fat turns into brown in the winter. This proves the cold is able to change white fat into brown fat.

In one study, a group of people were asked to sleep in a room temperature of 18 ° C. After 4 weeks, the amount of brown fat they more than doubled, increasing insulin sensitivity and the more calories you burn. This therapy is referred to as cold thermogenesis.

Ice Therapy to Burn Fat

The researchers said that the burning of body fat can be stimulated in a simple way; compress the abdominal fat area for 30-60 minutes on ice. This technique will encourage the conversion process of white adipose tissue into brown fat and the effect will be to lose weight. This therapy will be better done when coupled with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

This method will cool the skin and mneyebabkan elimination of fat cells, which will then be digested by the body.

How do I apply ?

Wrap ice with cheesecloth and place in the abdominal area for 30-60 minutes. Repeat this process once a day for 12 days.

The only side effect of this therapy is frostbite, so be careful when using ice packs. Lift bag of ice on a regular basis in order to avoid inflammation.

The symptoms that indicate frostbite are:

- Tingling and numbness of the skin;
- The skin turns red and painful;
- The skin becomes tense and sensitive to the touch;
- Blisters.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you do not have to rush heats the affected area and massage her symptoms, simply by giving a warm cloth compresses will soon eliminate the symptoms.

Its also worth noting, people who have peripheral vascular disease with low blood flow, peripheral neoropati, smokers and people with diabetas, should be cautious and should avoid this ice therapy.
Tips to Eliminate Belly Fat in 12 Days With Ice Cube Tips to Eliminate Belly Fat in 12 Days With Ice Cube Reviewed by Unknown on March 21, 2016 Rating: 5

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