Alcoholic Beverages Contains Collagen, Can Make Your Skin Looks Younger
MASSAPEDIA NEWS - Having the skin and youthful face is the desire of all women. But preserving youthful skin is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. It took a lot of effort and expense to get it. However, a drink named Anti-Agin claims to make your skin look younger. Even more fun, you just have to drink it.
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Quoted by Allure, one of alcoholic drink was launched in Warner Leisure Hotel, England. "Distilled from pure collagen mixed with natural antiaging to make people look younger while having fun," citing the explanation of the brand.
"The ingredients selected specifically based on the quality of the revitalization, including recovering from sun damage, too many minerals, avoiding injuries and helps smooth the appearance of cellulite."
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There was denied, collagen is one of the important components to the skin. Sayang production of collagen in the skin decreases with age. As a result, the skin will feel slack, reduced elasticity, and also causes wrinkles.
However, the collagen molecule is too large to be absorbed into the skin through a serum or cream. Therefore, taking supplements collagen can be considered the best way to increase the amount of collagen in the body.
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Meal and beverages that have collagen is not new. Quoted by Mashable, in Japan, the number of beauty restaurant is already growing. They also present a variety of snacks that contain collagen. Supermarkets in Japan puns already responsible for the increase in demand for collagen-rich foods, including sweets and noodles.
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Anti-Agin enjoyed gin might be a perfect choice for lovers of alcoholic beverages who want to stay young. But the problem, one abstention to keep skin young is to limit the intake of alcohol in the body. If this does not apply to the Anti-Agin?
Alcoholic Beverages Contains Collagen, Can Make Your Skin Looks Younger
Reviewed by Unknown
April 27, 2016

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